Discovering the Lens: Why I Became a Photographer

Since childhood, I have been fascinated by the marvelous unpredictability of life.  Every moment held something unique, a fleeting spectacle that would come and go like a whisper in the wind.  Yet, unlike that quiet exhale, these moments felt intensely profound.  From awe-inspiring landscapes to ephemeral expressions on a loved one's face, I felt an insatiable desire to capture these fleeting instants.  This burning need to immortalize life's transient beauty is what led me to become a photographer.


Growing up, I had always been captivated by the magic that photographs possessed.  A single image had the power to take you back in time, evoking vivid emotions and memories.  Pictures became bridges that connected the past, the present, and the future.  The concept of encapsulating the essence of time itself into a tangible, visual frame was nothing short of magical to me.


My fascination with photographs was not just about nostalgia.  Each picture represented an artist's perspective, a unique rendition of reality seen through their eyes.  I was intrigued by the versatility in the ways one could interpret a scenario or an object.  The might of a tumultuous sea, the tranquil submission of a sunset, the joyous laughter of children - every photographer told their story differently. And I wanted my voice heard in this grand symphony of narratives.


Professional photography was a journey I embarked on quite by accident.  I was taking photos for my son’s cross-country team, and photography was merely a beloved hobby.  However, the stars had aligned differently for me.  A photo I had casually uploaded on a social media platform garnered immensely positive responses.  It made me pause and reconsider, and I found myself yearning to pursue this passion professionally.


Taking the leap was not easy.  Moving from just a hobby to an additional career.  However, the beckoning of the lens was too profound to be ignored. Thus, with a burgeoning passion and an unquenchable curiosity to explore the world through my camera, I stepped into the vibrant world of professional photography.


Over time, every snap of the shutter and every print made has brought me uncontainable joy.  The thrill of waiting for just the right light, the satisfaction of capturing a candid moment; every single experience offers its own reward.  To be a photographer is not merely to be an observer, but to be an active participant in the world’s theatre, seizing its many acts in a stunning tableau of images.


Now, as I look back at my journey, I find that every struggle and every victory has instilled in me a new perspective and vision.  My constant endeavor remains to capture the world as I see it, to translate raw, visceral emotion into a visual language that universally resonates.  This is my reason for being a photographer – to capture, to move, and to inspire.


So, here I am, David Krisher, the photographer, unfolding stories one snapshot at a time, freezing moments in time that otherwise would slip away, reminding the world that there's beauty around us, in every corner, at every second. I am a photographer because life, in its enchanting variability, deserves to be captured, cherished, and remembered.

David Krisher

Portrait, event and commercial photographer located in Lebanon, MO

Capturing Timeless Moments: The Importance of Senior Portraits


Ignite The Passion: Capturing Youth Sports Portraits In A Blaze of Glory